Working hours
  • clockMon-Fri 08:00 – 18:00
  • clockSat-Sun 09:00 – 14:00

Radiographic examinations

The Mladost Imaging Diagnostic Center performs the full range of radiographs and scopic X-ray examinations with contrast material. The X-ray system is fully digitalized and the images are obtained on digital media.

Radiography is a quick painless test that shows the bones and organs in the body. X-rays pass through the body and are absorbed to varying degrees depending on the density of the tissues being examined. Bone and metal implants are high density and are depicted in white on X-rays, air in the lungs as black, and adipose and muscle tissue in various shades of gray. Some types of X-rays use a contrast material such as iodine or barium, which is introduced into the body to provide greater detail to the images.

X-ray technology is used to examine various parts of the body – fractures and infections of bones and teeth, tumors, measuring bone density, examining joints for arthritis, infections and tumors of the lungs, contrast study of the digestive system, in ingestion of foreign bodies, etc.

You need to take the right position according to the instructions of the researcher in order to portray the examined organ better. You may need to remove jewelry, glasses and any metal objects, as they may appear on the X-ray.

Radiography is absolutely painless for patients.

Radiation exposure to X-rays is low, and the benefits of this study far outweigh the risks.
Contrasting material can cause side effects, such as: feeling hot or red, metallic taste, dizziness, nausea, rash, etc.
After the X-ray you can resume your normal activities. Routine X-rays usually have no side effects. However, if you were injected with a contrast agent before the test, drink more fluids to radiate the contrast more easily and quickly from your body.

X-rays are digitally recorded on computers that can be seen on the screen in minutes. The radiologist examines the results and draws a conclusion, based on which the further approach in the diagnosis and treatment of patients is determined.

If you are pregnant or suspect that you may be pregnant, tell your doctor before taking the test. Although the risk of most diagnostic X-rays for the unborn baby is small, your doctor may suggest another imaging test, such as an ultrasound.